Mah. V of 1962 - Maharashtra Money-Lending (Regulation) Ordinance, 2014

Every Assistant Registrar shall maintain, for the area of his Register of jurisdiction, a register of money-lenders in such form as may be

8.(1) The grant of a licence shall not be refused except on any of the

Following grounds :—

(a) that the applicant, or any person responsible or proposed to be responsible for the management of his business as a money-lender is disqualified from holding a licence;

(b) that the applicant has not complied with the provisions of this Ordinance or the rules in respect of an application for the grant of a licence ;

(c) that the applicant has made willful default in complying with or knowingly acted in contravention of any requirement of this Ordinance ;

(d) that satisfactory evidence has been produced before the District Registrar that the applicant or any person responsible or proposed to be responsible for the management of the business of money-lending has,—

(i) knowingly participated in or connived at any fraud or dishonesty in the conduct of or in connection with the business of money-lending ; or

(ii) been found guilty of an offence under Chapter XVII or sections 465, 477 or 477-A of Chapter XVIII of the Indian Penal Code.

(2) The District Registrar shall, before refusing a licence under sub-section (1), give to the applicant a reasonable opportunity of producing evidence, if any, in support of the application and of showing cause why the licence should not be refused ; and record the evidence adduced before him and his reasons for such refusal.

(3) An appeal shall lie from the decision of District Registrar refusing a licence under sub-section (1), to the Divisional Registrar, whose decision thereon shall be final.

(4) An appeal against the decision of the District Registrar under sub-section (1) may be filed within three months from the date of the decision:

Provided that, the Divisional Registrar may, for reasons to be recorded, entertain the appeal after the expiry of a period of three months from the date of decision of the District Registrar under sub- section (1), if he is satisfied that the appellant was prevented, for the reasons beyond his control, from filing the appeal within a period of three months.

9.The Registrar General may, suo motu or on an application, call for and examine the record of any enquiry or proceedings of any matter where the order has been passed or decision has been given by an officer subordinate to him, and no appeal lies against such decision or order for the purpose of satisfying himself as to the legality and proprietary of the decision or order and as to the regularity of the proceedings. If during the course of such inquiry, the Registrar General is satisfied that the decision or order so called for should be modified, annulled or reversed, he may, after giving a person likely to be affected thereby an opportunity of being heard, pass such order thereon as he may seem just.

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